Message of President

KIUCHI Takeshi
President of FAMIC
Incorporated Administrative Agency
Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center
Primary concerns of the general public seem to be shifting these days to human rights and sovereignty issues that had been overshadowed for some time by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the circumstances, I recognize once again the importance and difficulty of identifying the misinformation and conveying the correct information.
As the government institution for inspection and analysis of food and agricultural production materials such as fertilizer, feed and agricultural chemicals, FAMIC has been committed to ensuring safety, quality and product labelling of those items. In this context, we believe it is a part of our responsibility to communicate the correct information to relevant stakeholders in an easy-to-understand manner. We have and will continue to play our role to ensure the quality of production materials and food safety, which is critical to producers and consumers.
FAMIC was established in 2007 by merging three different inspection agencies, all of which had been created far back in 1940s: Center for Quality Control and Consumer Service, Fertilizer and Feed Inspection Service, and Agricultural Chemicals Inspection Station.
Center for Quality Control and Consumer Service started agricultural product export inspection after the Second World War, and conducted inspection and analysis for ensuring product quality and proper labelling, which later bore a due part in JAS (Japan Agricultural Standards) system in the framework of the government's consumer protection policy.
Fertilizer and Feed Inspection Service was responsible for ensuring quality and safety of fertilizer and feed in the circumstances of increased use of chemical fertilizer and feed additives.
Agricultural Chemicals Inspection Station, as Japan's sole organization for inspection and registration of agricultural chemicals, carried out the examination of quality and safety of agricultural chemicals.
Inheriting the above-mentioned technology and experience, and also embarking on the development of new analysis and inspection technology in response to ever-changing social circumstances and progress of science, FAMIC is determined to ensure food safety as well as confidence of producers and consumers.
Your understanding and support are highly appreciated.