Search FAMIC
To search for pages within the site of the Food and Agricultural Materials Inspection Center (FAMIC).
Site Search Tips
Enter keyword(s) related to your topic in the search box, click the “Search” button to get your search results.
- You can enter plural keywords by simply separating each word with a space.
Example) inspection analysis - The system is not case-sensitive.
- The spell checker automatically corrects misspelling of given word for your search.
- The search results are automatically sorted out and displayed in descending order of the relevancy.
- You can get your search results better suited to your requirements by adding the following symbols or search operators to your keywords.
You can use the punctuation marks below when you search.
Symbol How to use it - When you use a dash before a keyword, the search results exclude pages that contain the word.
Example: Inspection Analysis -Manual" When you put a word or phrase in quotes, the results will only include pages with the same words in the same order as the ones inside the quotes.
Example: “GM Food Inspection and Analysis Manual”* Add an asterisk as a placeholder for any unknown word for use as wildcard.
Example: “a * Manual”Search operators
Search operators are words that can be added to keywords for searches to help narrow down the results.
Operator How to use it site: For getting results from certain sites or domains.
Example: Pesticide site:acis.famic.go.jpOR For finding pages that contain one of several keywords.
Example: Safety OR AnalysisNote: When you search by using operators or punctuation marks, don't add any spaces between the operators and keywords. A search for will work, but site: won't.