
Research Report of Animal Feed No. 35 (2010)

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Determination of Diuron in Feeds by LC-MS

Determination of Spinosad in Feeds by LC-MS

Determination of Crystal violet and Methylene blue in Feeds by LC-MS/MS


Determination of Isofenphos-oxon in Feeds by GC-MS

Improvement of Biological determination of Avilamycin in Formula Feeds for Avian

Determination of Disulfoton and Disulfoton Sulfone in Feeds by GC


Proficiency test in the fiscal 2009


Monitoring Results of Undesirable Substances in Feeds (in the fiscal 2008)

Monitoring Results of Undesirable Substances in Feeds (in the fiscal 2009)


1 Development of Primers for Detection of Heat-Treated Cetacean Materials in Porcine Meat and Bone Meal

Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 72, 1496-1499
