肥料研究報告第10号(2017年(平成29年)発行)Research Report of Fertilizer Volume 10 (2017)
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Extraction Method for the Water-soluble Principal Ingredients in the Solid Fertilizer using a General-purpose Equipment
Evaluation of Digest Method for Determination of Chromium in Inorganic Fertilizer by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry
Determination of Titanium in Fertilizer using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES)
Determination of Organic Chloride Pesticides in Composts using Gas Chromatography-Electron Capture Detector (GC-ECD)
Determination of Clopyralid, Aminopyralid and Picloram in Compost and Composted Sludge Fertilizer by Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS): A Collaborative Study
Determination of Urea Nitrogen, Biuret Nitrogen, Dicyandiamide Nitrogen, Guanidine Nitrogen and Guanyl urea Nitrogen in Fertilizer by High Performance Liquid Chromatography: A Single-Laboratory Validation
Determination of Urea Nitrogen, Biuret Nitrogen, Dicyandiamide Nitrogen, Guanidine Nitrogen and Guanyl urea Nitrogen in Fertilizer by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC): A Collaborative Study
Effect of Continuous Application of Sludge Fertilizer on Cadmium Absorption of the Crop and Accumulation of Cadmium in the Soil (Continued Report) - Winter 2015 and Summer 2016 -
Result of Proficiency Testing for Determination of Major Components and Harmful Elements in Ground Fertilizers Conducted in Fiscal Year 2016
Long-term Stability Evaluation of Fertilizer Certified Reference Materials for Determination of Major Components and Harmful Elements: High-Analysis Compound Fertilizer (FAMIC-A-10) and Ordinary Compound Fertilizer (FAMIC-B-10) and Composted Sludge Fertilizer (FAMIC-C-12-2) and High-Analysis Compound Fertilizer (FAMIC-A-13) and Ordinary Compound Fertilizer(FAMIC-B-14)
Determination Method for Urea Nitrogen in Fertilizer by Urease
Physiological Disorder of Komatsuna - Zinc -
The Qualitative Test by Means of Test Paper