
Research Report of Animal Feed No. 32 (2007)

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Improvement of Hydrolysis and Ether extraction Method to determine Crude Fat in Feed

Simplification of Determination of Cadmium in Feed

Determination of HT-2 toxin in Feed by LC-MS

Determination of Imidacloprid in Feed by LC-MS

Determination of Carbendazim, Thiophanate, Thiophanate-methyl and Benomyl in Feed by LC-MS

Determination of Tricyclazole in Feed by GC-MS

Determination of Hydrogen cyanide in Cassava by Absorptiometric Analysis

Improved Determination of Avilamycin in Formula Feed for Swine by Microbiological Assay

Measurement of Degree of Starch Gelatinization in Flaked Corn for Feeds by Absorption Spectroscopy


Comparison of the Basic Almina for Column Chromatography of Polyether Antibiotics

Comparison of Immuno-affinity purification for determination of Aflatoxin in Feeds by LC

Comparison of Immuno-affinity purification for determination of Ochratoxin A in Feeds by LC

Comparison of Immuno-affinity purification for determination of Zearalenone and Zearalenone metabolite in Feeds by LC

Comfirmation of Analytical Method for Lead in Feeds

Comfirmation of Analytical Method for Inorganic Arsenic in Feed : Recovery test and LOD

Collaborative Study of Pesticides in Feed by GC-MS

Recovery Test of Cartap, Thiocyclam and Bensultap in Feeds by LC-MS

Intralaboratory Study of Cartap in Feeds

Recovery Test of Tralomethrin in Feeds by GC-MS

Intralaboratory Study of Tralomethrin in Feeds by GC-MS

Confirmation of Analytical Method of Bentazone

Examination of Genomic DNA Extraction Method from Rice Straw


Proficiency test in the fiscal 2007


Monitoring Results of Ergovaline and Lolitrem B in Imported dried grass in the fiscal 2006

A Surveillance of Salmonella Contamination in Feeds in 2006

A Monitoring of Animal Protein Contamination in Feeds as a Measure to Prevent BSE in Japan (2005)


1 PCR法を用いた飼料中の魚由来DNAの検出法の検討

Detection of Fish DNA in Ruminant Feed by PCR Amplification

食品衛生学雑誌 第47巻第5号 222-224


1 「平成十八年度 飼料中の有害物質等残留基準を設定するための分析法開発及び家畜等への移行調査委託事業 飼料中の有害物質等の分析法の開発」より転載
