
Research Report of Animal Feed No. 41 (2016)

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Simultaneous Determination of Acephate and Methamidophos in Feed by LC-MS/MS

Simultaneous Determination of Imazapic and Imazapyr in Feed by LC-MS/MS

Simultaneous Determination of Esprocarb and 4 Pesticides in Rice Straw, Whole-crop Rice Silage and Paddy Rice for Feed by LC-MS/MS

Determination of Oxolinic Acid in Rice Straw by LC-MS/MS

Determination of Dicamba and DCSA in Soybean and Soybean Meal by LC-MS/MS

Determination of Phthalide in Rice Straw, Whole-crop Rice Silage and Paddy Rice for Feed by GC-MS

Determination of Propylene Glycol in Dry and Semi-dry Type Pet Food by GC-MS


Method Validations of the Simultaneous Determination Method of Mycotoxins by LC-MS/MS for Oil Meals

Validation Study on Analyte Expansion to the Simultaneous Determination Method of Pesticides in Feed by GC-MS for α-R-Deltamethrin and trans-Deltamethrinin

Method Validations of Microbiological Assay, Liquid Chromatography and Absorptiometry for Determination of Monensin Sodium in Formula Feed for Suckling Calves

Validation Study on Application of Analytical Methods of Zearalenone, Fumonisin B1, B2 and B3, and Propylene Glycol to Snack Type Pet Foods


Proficiency Test (in the Fiscal Year 2015)


Monitoring Results of Undesirable Substances in Feeds (in the Fiscal Year 2015)

Monitoring Results of PCDDs, PCDFs and Co-PCBs in Feeds (in the fiscal 2011~2015)

Results of Official Testing of Specified Feed Additives (in the Fiscal Year 2015)


1 HPLC-FLによる配合飼料中ノシヘプタイド定量法の妥当性評価
 (食品衛生学雑誌,56(4), 173-177 (2015).)
2 Formation Ratios of Zearalanone, Zearalenols, and Zearalanols versus Zearalenone during Incubation of Fusarium semitectum on Sorghum and Ratios in Naturally Contaminated Sorghum
 (食品衛生学雑誌,56(6), 247-251 (2015).)
