肥料研究報告第14号(2021年(令和3年)発行)Research Report of Fertilizer Volume 14 (2021)
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正誤表*2023年10月5日 訂正
試験法等の検討及び妥当性確認Development and Validation for Determination Methods
Improvement of Method for Preparing Sample Solution of Ammoniac Nitrogen by Distillation Method
Improved Determination Shaking Method in Preparation the Solution for the Nitrate Nitrogen by Phenol Sulfuric Acid
*2023年10月5日 訂正
Addition of Measurement Wavelength for Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry of Potassium, Magnesium and Manganese
Determination of 3,4-Dimethylpyrazole phosphate(DMPP) in Fertilizers by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
Development of Determination Method of Arsenic, etc. in Fertilizers by ICP-MS
*2023年10月5日 訂正
Performance Evaluation of Determination Method for Citric acid-soluble Lime in Fertilizers: Harmonized Collaborative Validation
Improvement of the Extraction method of Sulfate ion in Ion Chromatography
Performance Evaluation of Determination Method for Sulfate ion in Fertilizers : Harmonized Collaborative Validation
*2023年10月5日 訂正
Microanalysis Determination of Clopyralid in Compost and Composted Sludge Fertilizer using Liquid Chromatograph-Tandem Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS/MS): Improvement of Purification Operation
Microanalysis Determination of Clopyralid in Compost and Composted Sludge Fertilizer by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS): Harmonized Collaborative Validation
Determination of PFOS and PFOA in Sludge Fertilizer using Liquid Chromatograph/Tandem Mass Spectrometer (LC-MS/MS)
調査・試験業務Investigation and Research
Effect of Continuous Application of Sludge Fertilizer on Cadmium Absorption of the Crop and Accumulation of Cadmium in the Soil (Continued Report)-Winter 2019 and Summer 2020-
試験成績の信頼性確保関連Assurance Practices for Reliable Analytical Data
Results of Proficiency Testing for Fertilizer Using National Samples in Fiscal Year 2020
Long-term Stability Evaluation of Fertilizer Certified Reference Materials for Determination of Major Components and Harmful Elements: High-Analysis Compound Fertilizer (FAMIC-A-17), Ordinary Compound Fertilizer (FAMIC-B-14) and Composted Sludge Fertilizer (FAMIC-C-12-2 and FAMIC-C-18-2)
Verification of stability of 3,4-Dimethylpyrazole phosphate(DMPP) in Fertilizersy
Physiological disorder of Komatsuna - Boron -